Virgin Status Assessment of Plješevica Forest in Bosnia - Herzegovina


  • Ćemal VISNJIC University of Sarajevo, 20 Zagrebacka St., 71 000 Sarajevo (BA)
  • Sead VOJNIKOVIC University of Sarajevo, 20 Zagrebacka St., 71 000 Sarajevo (BA)
  • Florin IORAS Buckinghamshire New University, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, HP11 2JZ Buckinghamshire (GB)
  • Mirza DAUTBASIC University of Sarajevo, 20 Zagrebacka St., 71 000 Sarajevo (BA)
  • Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN Transilvania University, 1 Sirul Beethoven St., 500123 Brasov (RO)
  • Dan Marian GUREAN Transilvania University, 1 Sirul Beethoven St., 500123 Brasov (RO)
  • Ahmet LOJO University of Sarajevo, 20 Zagrebacka St., 71 000 Sarajevo (BA)
  • Tarik TRESTIC University of Sarajevo, 20 Zagrebacka St., 71 000 Sarajevo (BA)
  • Dalibor BALLIAN University of Sarajevo, 20 Zagrebacka St., 71 000 Sarajevo (BA)
  • Muhamed BAJRIC University of Sarajevo, 20 Zagrebacka St., 71 000 Sarajevo (BA)



diversity; evenness; dead wood; unmanaged forest


Virgin forests are relatively rare in the European temperate zone. This is due to the continuous use of forests historically and to increasing high population densities. Virgin forests are forests where the structure and dynamics have developed entirely under natural conditions, without any human interference or influence. This article assesses the Plješevica forest in Bosnia Herzegovina to establish whether it can be classified as a virgin forest. The structure and components of the forest were assessed in a 1 ha sample plot and four 400 m2 quadrats. The values of the biodiversity indexes (as defined by Shannon and Weaver, Krebs and Meyer), species richness and evenness, the distribution of the different stand development stages and the proportion of deadwood lead to the conclusion that Plješevica forest presents a set of structural and dynamic characteristics close to the ones typical for virgin forests in Europe, so in order to maintain its status as such, in the meantime, it should undergo a protection management program.




How to Cite

VISNJIC, Ćemal, VOJNIKOVIC, S., IORAS, F., DAUTBASIC, M., ABRUDAN, I. V., GUREAN, D. M., LOJO, A., TRESTIC, T., BALLIAN, D., & BAJRIC, M. (2009). Virgin Status Assessment of Plješevica Forest in Bosnia - Herzegovina. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 37(2), 22–27.



Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha3723308