Impact of different nucleus tuber sizes on growth, yield, and physiology attributes of potato production
Gilgit, in vitro plantlets, mini tubers, nucleus seeds, potatoesAbstract
Potato is the most important short-season annual herbaceous crop. Small nucleus tuber seeds are difficult to germinate and emerge in the field. This research evaluated how potato nucleus tuber size impacts seed production and plant development. We used the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in the first week of June to seed six potato nucleus tuber sizes: T1 (0.47 g), T2 (0.84 g), T3 (2.0 g), T4 (5.0 g), T5 (10 g), and T6 (25.0 g). Plants were 30 cm apart, and rows were 76 cm apart. All treatments significantly differed in terms of days to first germination, germination percentage, flowering, physiological maturity, number of main stems per plant, tuber weight, marketable tuber yield, size of large tuber, tuber starch content, and total starch yield. However, the interaction between treatment and environment had no effect on marketable tuber yield. This research found that treatment T1 had substantial outcomes in germination (22.5), blooming (67.5), and physiological maturity (107.1). Larger tubers T6 (25.0 g) contain more buds, which increases germination percentage (%), number of main stems, plant height, yield, and physiological parameters, outperforming other treatments. This research found that seed tuber size affects crop development. Plants from bigger seed tubers performed better than those from smaller seeds.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad ARIF, Kazim ALI, Aish MUHAMMAD, Haider ALI, Iqbal HUSSAIN, Hassan SAFDAR, Abdul NOOR, Rahmat KABIR, Shaukat ALI, Ghulam M. ALI

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