Enhancement of bud dormancy release and development, leaf nutrition, flower and fruit quality of kiwifruit cv. ‘Hayward’ induced by BUD 14 biostimulant
biostimulant, bud development, flower-fruit quality, foliar sprays, kiwifruit, leaf nutritionAbstract
The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of a foliar fertilization program, consisted of the BUD 14 nitrogen-calcium commercial formulation (N: 14% w/w, CaO: 5.5% w/w) as a biostimulant, on bud development percentage, flowering rate, classification of flowers into open, closed and triple, flower and pollen quality traits, fruit quality attributes, and leaf nutritional status of the ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit cultivar. The study was realized during a two-year experimental period in Naoussa, Central Macedonia, Greece. The results showed that BUD 14 induced synchronization in bud development relative to different vegetative stages including initiation of bud expansion, appearance of leaf apices covered by hair and deployment of 2-8 leaves and increased the flowering rate of open flowers. Pedicel length, ovary fresh weight, and dry weight, dry matter and length in female flowers as well as maximum pollen grain diameter and area in polar view in male flowers were significantly enhanced in the BUD 14 treatment. Fruit quality characteristics like average weight and dry mass were significantly augmented, and a 1.5-fold and 2-fold increase was recorded in canes length and number of kiwifruits per cane. In addition, leaf nutrient Ca and Mg concentrations were significantly enhanced, compared to the control. The efficacy of BUD 14 as a more target-oriented and environmentally friendly alternative method of supplying plants with smaller and controlled amounts of nutrients for breaking bud dormancy and improving their development was demonstrated, enhancing flower and fruit quality, leaf nutrition, kiwifruit developmental characteristics, and finally the total production per fruit per tree.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Thomas SOTIROPOULOS, Antonios VOULGARAKIS, Dimitrios TRIANTAFYLLOU, Ioannis MANTHOS, Maria DIMOU, Theocharis CHATZISTATHIS, Virginia SARROPOULOU, Areti BOUNTLA

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