Phytopharmacological profile, nutritional value and amaranthine content of Amaranthus and their significance in medicine


  • Aleksandar STEVANOVIĆ Academy of Applied Technical Studie, Katarine Ambrozić 3, 11000 Belgrade (RS)
  • Vera M. POPOVIĆ Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Maxim Gorky 30, 21000 Novi Sad; University of Bijeljina, Faculty of Agriculture, Pavlovića put bb, 76300 Bijeljina (RS)
  • Aleksandar FILIPOVIĆ University of Montenegro, Faculty of Medicine, Krusevac, bb, 81000 Podgorica (ME)
  • Jelena Z. BOŠKOVIĆ Belgrade Metropolitan University, Tadeuša Košćuška 63, 11158 Belgrade (RS)
  • Vladan PEŠIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Zemun (RS)
  • Tatjana MARINKOVIĆ Academy of Applied Technical Studie, Katarine Ambrozić 3, 11000 Belgrade (RS)
  • Aleksandra STOJIĆEVIĆ Academy of Applied Technical Studie, Katarine Ambrozić 3, 11000 Belgrade (RS)



Amaranth, amaranthine, amino acid, nutritional value and use in medicine, phytopharmacological profile


The aim of this study was to determine the phytopharmacological properties and nutritional values in the protein and amino acid content of leaves and flowers in different species of the genus Amaranthus L., namely A. molleros, A. caudatus, A. mantegazzianus, and A. cruentus. The content of amarantin, total content of low molecular weight soluble antioxidants (CCA), phenolic compounds, and ascorbic acid content in the mentioned species of amaranth were also determined. The studied six genotypes of amaranth belong to the collection of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. Amaranth is known to be an excellent food crop due to the high nutritional value of its seeds and leaves and it is excellent phyto-medicinal crop, as its inflorescences and leaves can be used as sources of antioxidants, and its seeds for producing gluten free health-safe products. In leaves, the lysine content ranged from 3.9% (A. caudatus) to 7.0% (A. cruentus; A. molleros), and in flowers from 4.2% (A. caudatus) to 7.4% (A. cruentus -G8) while the amaranth content varied (1.2-2.2%), antioxidants (CCA 1.6-3.5%), and ascorbic acid content (150-200%). Amaranth has the ability to improve the functionality of the immune system, enabling an outstanding balance of amino acid composition, as well as the ratio of lysine to arginine. Antioxidants, amaranth and ascorbic acid content significantly contributes to the ability to improve the functionality of the human immune system. Duodenal peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori can be treated with amaranth oil.


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How to Cite

STEVANOVIĆ, A., POPOVIĆ, V. M., FILIPOVIĆ, A., BOŠKOVIĆ, J. Z., PEŠIĆ, V., MARINKOVIĆ, T., & STOJIĆEVIĆ, A. (2024). Phytopharmacological profile, nutritional value and amaranthine content of Amaranthus and their significance in medicine. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 52(4), 14070.



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DOI: 10.15835/nbha52414070

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