The integrated application of compost sources, chemical fertilizers, and foliar fertilizers as a strategy for plant nutrient management for bush beans in high-Andean zones
agronomic efficiency, biomass accumulation, bush bean, chemical nutrition, organic fertilizers, yield parametersAbstract
Integrated plant nutrient management (IPNM) strategies improve the income of growers. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the growth and yield of bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of the ‘Bacatá’ cultivar under different nutrition management strategies using different chemical fertilizer sources (edaphic and foliar) and compost in three high-Andean environments in Colombia. The IPNM treatments were set up in high- and low-rainfall zones (Gachalá vs. Guachetá) and in a greenhouse. The IPNM comprised plants without nutrients (AC); full dose NPK (EC); a mixture of compost based on wastes (20%), NPK (80%), and foliar fertilizer (GCFF); a mixture of compost based on waste (20%) and NPK (80%)(GC); a mixture of commercial compost (20%), NPK (80%), and foliar fertilizer (CCFF); and a mixture of commercial compost (20%) and NPK (80%) (CC). The results showed that the zones with higher rainfall (Gachalá) generally had a higher relative and absolute growth rate than the low rainfall zone (Gachetá) and greenhouse at different sample points. The IPNM treatments with a mixture of compost compounds showed agronomic efficiency similar to that of plants treated with chemical fertilizers only. Plants without any nutrient application showed the lowest yield parameters, reaching a production close to 1100 kg ha-1, compared to the other nutrient application treatments that reached a production close to 1600 kg ha-1. These results indicate that IPNM treatment is an important tool for improving the productivity of common bush beans grown in Andean agro-ecosystems.
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