Phytogeographical and biological spectrum of vascular flora as an indicator of ecological changes following clear-cutting in Eastern Serbian beech forest sites
clear-cutting, ice breaks and ice uproots, life forms spectrum and phytogeographical spectrum, Serbia, vascular floraAbstract
Extreme weather events caused considerable harm to the forest ecosystems in Eastern Serbia over a few hard winters, resulting in widespread ice breaks and ice uprooting. Certain forest stands were severely impacted during the winter of 2014-2015, necessitating clear-cutting measures. This research was conducted in the Timok forest area, through examination of the floristic composition in areas subjected to clear-cutting, including natural beech forests and artificially established conifer stands within beech sites (Helleboro odori-Fagetum moesiacae). A phytogeographical and bioecological analysis was conducted five years after clear-cutting. Changes in ecosystems were assessed by analysing the spectra of area-types and plant life forms, with comparisons drawn to the “Vinatovača” old-growth forest, situated in the submontane beech forest of Eastern Serbia. Descriptive analysis of the phytogeographical and bioecological spectra of vascular flora, alongside multinomial correspondence analysis, revealed an increased presence of species from Eurasian, Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean, and Pontic area-types, as well as hemicryptophytic, phanerophytic, and therophytic life forms in the clear-cut areas. In contrast, the old-growth forest was colonised by species of Central European and Holarctic area-types, along with geophytic life forms. These findings suggest a shift towards xerothermic microclimates in the clear-cut areas and the stronger influence of the continental climate of Eastern Serbia with its extremes on deforested areas, as well as on the processes of forest ecosystem degradation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Branka PAVLOVIĆ, Violeta BABIĆ, Snežana STAJIĆ, Zoran PODUŠKA, Ljubinko RAKONJAC, Marina VUKIN, Vlado ČOKEŠA

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