Chilling and drought stresses in maize: Mitigation strategies and potential management opportunities
chilling, drought, maize, photosynthesis, ROS, yieldAbstract
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a significant global staple crop, which is important for its nutritional and economic value. However, the negative effects of drought and chilling stress, induced by climate change, are rapidly increasing threats to compromise its healthy yield. The processes that are affected by chilling stress are reduced growth, impaired photosynthesis, increased susceptibility to disease and pests, late flowering and reduced leaf size. Growth components of plants such as gibberellic acid, calcium, abscisic acid and salicylic acid can control the maize response to chilling stress. Conversely, drought stress, which is brought on by insufficient water availability, interferes with essential functions like the roots' ability to absorb water and nutrients, increases transpiration losses, causes the leaves to roll, and delays senescence. To improve drought tolerance ability in maize, glycine betaine, potassium and foliar calcium spray are worthwhile. Events that combine freezing and drought present a difficult challenge and reduce maize productivity. Reduced yields of maize not only place food security at risk, but also have severe economic implications on farmers and countries that depend mainly on maize production. Implementing proactive approaches, including as breeding initiatives, precision agriculture, water management, farming systems can present workable ways to minimize the impacts these stresses and defend maize production under prevailing fluctuating environment. This review highlights the most recent findings on the impact of drought and cold weather on corn plants. Potential management strategies for regulating plant tolerance mechanisms to drought and cold stress are also outlined.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ambreen FATIMA, Athar MAHMOOD, Hussam F. Najeeb ALAWADI, Muhammad Mansoor JAVAID, Hafiz Bashir AHMAD, Jameel Mohammed AL-KHAYRI, Mohammed Ibrahim ALDAEJ, Othman AL-DOSSARY, Bader ALSUBAIE, Wael Fathi SHEHATA

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