Mycorrhizal fungi in Annona muricata L. rhizosphere in two agricultural production systems in Nayarit, Mexico
AMF diversity, AMF propagation, Mycorrhiza, soursopAbstract
Mycorrhizal symbiosis is the association between the roots of several plant species and soil fungi of the Glomeromycotina subphylum. This symbiosis plays a crucial role in plant growth, development, and defense; therefore, understanding the abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species associated with plants of economic importance is of utmost concern. The objective of this study was to compare the abundance and composition of AMF communities in two Annona muricata cultivation sites, and in propagated soil, under different agricultural practices. The first cultivation site is under technified management with periodic fertilization and irrigation (TS), while the second cultivation site is under agroecological management without fertilization, irrigation, and with the presence of livestock (non-technified site; NTS). The extracted spores from the collected samples and the trap cultures were taxonomically identified based on their morphology. 13 species associated with A. muricata belonging to seven genera were identified in soil samples. The most abundant species were Funneliformis geosporum, Acaulospora kentinensis and Rhizophagus intraradices with a relative abundance of 45.9, 19.0 and 15.8%, respectively. In the propagation substrates, only 69% of the AMF species found in the field were identified. 11 species of AMF were found in the site with non-technified agronomic management, while only five species were found in the technified site.
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