Heat stress responses and mitigation strategies in wheat: an updated and comprehensive review
breeding, heat shock, heat stress, oxidative stress, phytohormones, proteins, reactive oxygen species, stay greenAbstract
The main consequence of climate change on temperature is global warming. Over the past century, worldwide temperature has increased, rising by about 0.14 degrees Fahrenheit every year. Rising temperature negatively affects morphology, physiology, and yield of crops. Over the last 5 years, agriculture production in Pakistan affected due to temperature increase. Pakistan is an agriculture based developing country. About 2.2% GDP of Pakistan depends on wheat crop which is 1st major cereal crop and ranked as staple food. Nutritionally it provides proteins, dietary fibers, carbohydrates, calcium, and other important compounds but because of the harmful effects of a high temperature, yield of wheat crop in Pakistan has reduced to lowest levels in the last few years. Heat stress affects wheat plants by reducing growth, raised reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, denature cell membranes, and enzymes activity, decreasing photosynthetic activity and disturbing respiration processes. Improving wheat crop productivity is urgently needed to feed the rapidly growing population. Several techniques like Quantitative Trait Locus mapping, omics techniques, and application of nutrients have been used in the past to mitigate high temperature effect on wheat and other different crop plants. This review critically analyzes the response of wheat towards heat stress and its impacts on wheat crop as well as provides critical information on advanced strategies and techniques for the mitigation of heat stress.
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