The critical role of nitrogen in plants facing the salinity stress: Review and future prospective
antioxidants, ionic toxicity, nitrogen, oxidative damage, salinityAbstract
Salinity stress is a serious abiotic stress that negatively affect the crop growth and development. Mineral nutrient supplementation is considered as an effective strategy to mitigate the adverse effects of salinity. Nitrogen (N) is an important nutrient needed for plants and its application also an effective strategy to mitigate adverse impacts of salinity. Salinity stress disturbs plant physiological, and biochemical functions, antioxidant activities, cellular membranes, antioxidant activities and nutrient uptake thereby cause significant reduction in plant growth and development. The application of N maintains membrane stability, plant water relations, leaf gas exchange characteristics, and protect the plants from oxidative damages which induce the salt tolerance in plants. Besides, this N also improves nutrient uptake and it also induce cellular signaling that mitigate the adverse impacts of salinity. Therefore, it is interesting to understand the role of N in inducing salt tolerance in plants. In present review the mechanisms of N uptake and assimilation in plants under saline conditions are discussed. The present review provides information on how N mitigates ionic toxicity, and oxidative damages and maintains nutrient balance to counter the toxic effects of salinity stress in plants. This review will help the readers to learning more about the role of N in inducing salt tolerance in plants.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad T. ASLAM, Imran KHAN, Muhammad U. CHATTHA, Rizwan MAQBOOL, Muhammad ZIAULHAQ, Wang LIHONG, Sajid USMAN, Adnan RASHEED, Muhammad U. HASSAN, Mohamed HASHEM, Rehab O. ELNOUR, Muhammad M. IQBAL, Muhammad ARSHAD

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