The influence of fertilization on the morpho-decorative characteristics of geraniums (Pelargonium zonale)
aesthetic, correlation, nitrogen, pelargonium, predictor, scoreAbstract
Geraniums (pelargoniums or storksbills, officially named as Pelargonium zonale (L.) L'Hér. Ex Aiton) are appreciated worldwide due to their ornamental potential and versatility. The research was conducted to emphasize the evolution of morpho-decorative and qualitative traits of two geranium cultivars of high aesthetic value, namely ‘Tango Salmon’ (Montevideo) and ‘Tango Dark Red’, depending on two different fertilization, conventional-chemical fertilization, and unconventional scheme, with a homeopathic solution respectively. It is excessive repetitiveness and is not the case.) cultivar, unconventional fertilization scheme tested conducted to the best results regarding most morpho-decorative characters investigated (33.40 cm height, 21.10 leaves/plant, 34.75 flowers/inflorescence, 2.35% nitrogen, and 48.34 SPAD). For cultivar ‘Tango Dark Red’, the conventional fertilization conducted to the best results in terms of height (18.90 cm), stems/plant (5.90), leaves/plant (14.95), and flowers/inflorescence (37.55), while unconventional fertilization led to higher nitrogen accumulation (2.18%) and enhanced chlorophyll synthesis (47.08 SPAD). Between nitrogen and chlorophyll contents within geranium leaves, strong positive correlations were identified in ‘Tango Salmon’, and weak to moderate in ‘Tango Dark Red’ cultivar. Higher scores were attributed to aesthetic indicators for ‘Tango Salomon’ compared to ‘Tango Dark Red’. The unconventional fertilization of geranium cultivars is an eco-friendly solution for enhancing their morpho-decorative characteristics.
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