Promotion of tomato growth by Trichoderma sp. under shade mesh conditions
chemical fertilizers, microorganism, morphological characterization, plant growth promotion, shade meshAbstract
Chemical fertilizers are frequently used in agriculture with harmful effects on ecological components, so the use of microorganisms as growth regulators is an agricultural practice increasingly used today. The aim of this research was to evaluate Trichoderma sp. as growth regulator in tomato plants. Trichoderma sp. isolated from soils was grown on solid PDA medium for morphological characterization of the fungus. An experiment to analyse the interaction between Trichoderma sp. and shade mesh conditions was established, where: T1 = Trichoderma sp.; T2 = without Trichoderma sp. (fertilization recommended for the crop was applied); T3 = shade mesh and T4 = without shade mesh. Several variables were evaluated in the plants and in the fruits. The macroscopic characteristics showed mycelium with a cottony morphology and a dark green coloration, and the microscopic characteristics of the fungus were conidiophores with a branch, phialides and ovoid to ellipsoid conidia. Interaction of Trichoderma sp. and shade mesh had a significant effect on plant height, number of flowers and number of fruits, with the greater values with Trichoderma sp. and shade mesh. Regarding the evaluation of the fruits significant differences were found in the weight, diameter, length, and colour (L and a* value) but not in b* value.
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