Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to nitrogen and phosphorus uptake efficiency and productivity of faba bean crop on contrasting cropping systems
leaf area index (LAI), nitrogen harvest index (NHI), nitrogen uptake, phosphorus utilization efficiency (PUtE), seed yield, Vicia faba L, weighted mycorrhizal dependency (WMD)Abstract
The present study was focused on evaluating the effect of AMF (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi) inoculation on nitrogen and phosphorus uptake efficiency and productivity of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) crop, under different fertilization levels on organic or conventional cropping systems. The 2-year field experiment was conducted in central Greece and laid out in a split-plot design, with three replications, two main plots (AMF inoculation treatments) and five sub-plots (fertilization treatments). The results demonstrated that plants of AMF inoculated plots exhibited greater plant height, leaf area index (LAI), leading to higher biomass, and consequently higher final seed yields. Regarding the quality parameters, including nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) uptake and their utilization indices, similar results to those of the productivity results were found with the AMF inoculated plants presented the higher values. Finally, all the parameters of the root system, including AMF root colonization and weighted mycorrhizal dependency (WMD), were negatively affected by fertilization level, particularly in an inorganic form. As a conclusion, the current study confirmed that replacement of inorganic inputs by organic in combination with AMF inoculation, should be seriously considered as a sustainable practice of faba bean crop cultivation under Mediterranean conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dimitrios BESLEMES, Evangelia TIGKA, Ioannis ROUSSIS, Ioanna KAKABOUKI, Antonios MAVROEIDIS, Dimitrios VLACHOSTERGIOS

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