Evaluation of water deficit tolerance in maize genotypes using biochemical, physio-morphological changes and yield traits as multivariate cluster analysis
crop water stress index, normalized difference vegetation index, photosynthetic abilities, seedling stage, reproductive stage, yield traitsAbstract
Drought is an abiotic stress that inhibits plant growth and development and, therefore, declines crop productivity, as seen in maize plant. The aim of this investigation was to identify the candidate maize varieties that can be grown under water limited conditions using physio-morphological and yield attributes. Eight genotypes of maize including ‘Suwan4452’ (drought tolerant) as a positive check, ‘CP301’, ‘CP-DK888’, ‘DK7979’, ‘DK9901’, ‘Pac339’, ‘S7328’, and ‘Suwan5’ were selected as test plants. Physiological, biochemical and morphological characteristics at seedling (24 day after sowing; DAS) and reproductive (80 DAS) developmental stages of plants under 20-day water withholding (WD), and yield traits at harvesting period were analysed. Leaf temperature in each genotype increased with the degree of water deficit stress, leading to leaf chlorosis, and reduction in maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), photon yield of PSII (ΦPSII), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), overall growth and yield. Pn and stomatal conductance (gs) in drought tolerant genotype, ‘Suwan4452’, were decreased by 19.1% and 18.6%, respectively, whereas these in drought sensitive, ‘Pac339’, were significantly declined by 53.9% and 61.8%, respectively. Physio-morphological parameters, growth performance and yield-related traits of maize genotypes grown under water deficit conditions and well-watered conditions were subjected to Ward’s cluster method for identification of water deficit tolerant cultivars. Maintaining photosynthetic abilities, osmotic adjustment and CWSI in drought tolerant genotypes of maize were evidently demonstrated to keep overall growth performance and yield attributes. Based on multivariate cluster analysis and PCA (principal component analysis), ‘Suwan4452’, ‘CP-DK888’ and ‘S7328’ were categorized as drought tolerant genotypes whereas ‘Suwan5’, ‘Pac339’, ‘DK7979’, ‘CP301’ and ‘DK9901’ were identified as drought susceptible cultivars. Hybrid maize cvs. ‘CP-DK888’ and ‘S7328’ may further be suggested to be grown in the rainfed area without irrigation.
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