Agronomic and genetic approaches for enhancing tolerance to heat stress in rice: a review


  • Adnan RASHEED Jiangxi Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Crops Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education / College of Agronomy, Nanchang, 330045 (CN)
  • Mahmoud F. SELEIMAN King Saud University, Plant Production Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, Riyadh 11451; Menoufia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Crop Sciences, Shibin El-Kom 32514 (SA)
  • Muhammad NAWAZ Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab (PK)
  • Athar MAHMOOD University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad, 38040 (PK)
  • Muhammad RIZWAN ANWAR Rice Research Station, Bahawalnagar, Punjab (PK)
  • Muhammad AHSIN AYUB Rice Research Station, Bahawalnagar, Punjab (PK)
  • Muhammad AAMER Jiangxi Agricultural University, Research Center for Ecological Sciences, Nanchang 330045 (CN)
  • Mohamed A. EL-ESAWI Tanta University, Botany Department Faculty of Science, Tanta 31527 (EG)
  • Ehab H. EL-HARTY King Saud University, Plant Production Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, Riyadh 11451 (SA)
  • Maria BATOOL Huazhong Agricultural University, College of Plant Science and Technology, Wuhan 430070 (CN)
  • Muhammad U. HASSAN Jiangxi Agricultural University, Research Center for Ecological Sciences, Nanchang 330045 (CN)
  • Ziming WU Jiangxi Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Crops Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education / College of Agronomy, Nanchang, 330045 (CN)
  • Huijie LI Jiangxi Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Crops Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education / College of Agronomy, Nanchang, 330045; Jiangxi Agricultural University, College of Humanity and Public Administration, Nanchang 330045 (CN)



agronomic approaches, breeding approaches, heat stress, plant hormones, rice


DOI: 10.15835/nbha49412501

Rice is an important cereal crop worldwide that serves as a dietary component for half of the world’s population. Climate change, especially global warming is a rising threat to crop production and food security. Therefore, enhancing rice growth and yield is a crucial challenge in stress-prone environments. Frequent episodes of heat stress threaten rice production all over the world. Breeders and agronomists undertake several techniques to ameliorate the adverse effects of heat stress to safeguard global rice production. The selection of suitable sowing time application of plant hormones, osmoprotectants and utilization of appropriate fertilizers and signaling molecules are essential agronomic practices to mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress on rice. Likewise, developing genotypes with improved morphological, biochemical, and genetic attributes is feasible and practical way to respond to this challenge. The creation of more genetic recombinants and the identification of traits responsible for heat tolerance could allow the selection of early-flowering cultivars with resistance to heat stress. This review details the integration of several agronomic, conventional breeding, and molecular approaches like hybridization, pure line selection, master-assisted-selection (MAS), transgenic breeding and CRRISPR/Cas9 that promise rapid and efficient development and selection of heat-tolerant rice genotypes. Such information’s could be used to determine the future research directions for rice breeders and other researchers working to improve the heat tolerance in rice.


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How to Cite

RASHEED, A. ., SELEIMAN, M. F. ., NAWAZ, M. ., MAHMOOD, A. ., ANWAR, M. R. ., AHSIN AYUB, M. ., AAMER, M. ., EL-ESAWI, M. A. ., EL-HARTY, E. H. ., BATOOL, M. ., HASSAN, M. U., WU, Z. ., & LI, H. (2021). Agronomic and genetic approaches for enhancing tolerance to heat stress in rice: a review. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 49(4), 12501.



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