Identifying strawberry Whirly family transcription factors and their expressions in response to crown rot


  • Yuyang HU Yangtze University, College of Horticulture and Gardening, 1 Nanhuan road, Jingzhou (CN)
  • Bo SHU Yangtze University, College of Horticulture and Gardening, 1 Nanhuan road, Jingzhou (CN)



crown rot, gene structure, phylogenetic analysis, strawberry, transcriptional expression


Crown rot is one of the most destructive diseases of cultivated strawberry. The correlation between Whirly family transcription factors, the one class of known resistance genes, and strawberry crown rot resistance has not been studied. In this study, the Whirlys of Fragaria × ananassa, F. iinumae, F. vesca, F. viridis and F. nilgerrensis were characterized by searching the strawberry genome database and analyzing the presence of Whirly domains. Five FaWHYs, two FiWHYs, three FnWHYs, two FviWHYs and four FvWHYs were identified from their respective genome. Two gene clusters with segmental duplications were obtained from the gene cluster analysis with two and three FaWHYs, and three FaWHYs showed syntenic relationships with AtWHYs of Arabidopsis thaliana. FiWHY1, FvWHY2 and FviWHY1 showed syntenic relationships with FaWHY1 and FaWHY2. At the same time, FiWHY2, FvWHY3, FviWHY2 and FnWHY3 exhibited similar syntenic relationships with FaWHY4 and FaWHY5. In addition, FnWHY1 and FnWHY2 corresponded to both FaWHY1 and FaWHY2. Gene expression analysis revealed that five FaWHYs were expressed in crowns, and the regulation of FaWHYs was always consistent with the cis-elements in their promoters. All of them were downregulated by crown rot infected. Together, these results provided a basis for further functional studies of the FaWHYs proteins and their responses to crown rot.


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How to Cite

HU, Y., & SHU, B. (2021). Identifying strawberry Whirly family transcription factors and their expressions in response to crown rot. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 49(2), 12323.



Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha49212323