Root hair specification and its growth in response to nutrients
calcium, iron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, root hair, ROSAbstract
Plant root hairs are cylindrical tubular projections from root epidermal cells. They increase the root surface area, which is important for the acquisition of water and nutrients, microbe interactions, and plant anchorage. The root hair specification, the effect of root hairs on nutrient acquisition and the mechanisms of nutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) that affect root hair development and growth were reviewed. The gene regulatory network on root hair specification in the plant kingdom was highlighted. More work is needed to clone the genes of additional root hair mutants and elucidate their roles, as well as undertaking reverse genetics and mutant complementation studies to add to the current knowledge of the signaling networks, which are involved in root hair development and growth regulated by nutrients.
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