Molecular phylogeny based on its sequences of nrDNA of some species belonging to dodder (Cuscuta L.) genus from various ecological sites of Turkey
classification; Cuscuta spp.; molecular phylogeny; TurkeyAbstract
Nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) sequence data of the Cuscuta genus, which have been considered as one of the most popular sequences for phylogenetic inference in plants, have been studied from a phylogenetic perspective in agricultural and non-agricultural lands of Turkey. The samples of Cuscuta spp. were collected from different geographical regions of Turkey between the years of 2013-2015. Some other species, not available locally, were taken from the herbarium samples of some research units. In order to study the phylogenetic relations of collected species, DNA isolations were made from body tissue samples. Conserved regions on ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were amplified by universal primers via PCR method and cloned into a proper cloning vector. The cloned DNA fragments were sequenced and analysed by web-based and computer programs. DNA sequences of certain species were recorded to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. Based on the morphological examination and molecular analyses of fresh and the herbarium specimen, 8 species were identified. The identified species were C. hyalina (Gene bank accession no. KY020420), C. monogyna (KY020421), C. europaea (KY020422), C. palaestina (KY020423), C. approximata (KY020424), C. kurdica (KY020427), C. kotschyana (KY020430) and C. babylonica (KY020431). The ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) region contains several indels in identified Cuscuta species with the length varying from 668 to 730 bp. Sequence divergence ranges from 1.00% to 8.00% within Cuscuta spp. Based on our findings, the ITS sequences provided phylogenetically informative results in combination with the secondary structures.
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