Chorological data regarding the presence of Corylus colurna species in Romania
chorological data; Corylus colurna; distribution; plants; RomaniaAbstract
The Turkish hazel or Turkish filbert (Corylus colurna) is a less widespread tree species in Romania. Data on the presence of C. colurna species in the Romanian flora are quite rare. The article’s aim is to analyse the scientific information and those of the main herbariums regarding the presence of C. colurna species on the Romanian territory. The presence of the species on the Romanian territory was signalled about 122 years ago in the paper “Conspectus of Romanian Flora”. Subsequent scientific information identifies the species in different locations, especially in the southwest of Romania, in dendrological and natural parks. Scientific importance of the species lies in its rarity, the species has an area limit on Romanian territory and in the value, it gives to natural ecosystems in which it grows. The practical value is given by its edible fruits, valuable from a food or medicinal point of view and by its agronomic characteristics. As a result, the biodiversity conservation strategy should include forest protected areas as important objectives.
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