Growth dynamics of morphological and reproductive traits of Physalis peruviana L. M1 plants obtained from seeds irradiated with gamma rays
crop breeding; genetic variability; horticultural crops; mutagenesis; uchuvaAbstract
There is an increasing interest in the development of uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) cultivars adapted to greenhouse farming. Sexual behavior makes it difficult to obtain uniform commercial uchuva cultivars by conventional breeding methods. Mutations induced by gamma rays is an alternative approach. M1 plants derived from 14 irradiation 60Co doses, from 0 to 275 Gy, that were applied to uchuva seeds were evaluated. Recorded data included days to first flower and growth dynamics (four to seven samplings) of morphological traits (plant height, stem diameter, basal stems) and reproductive traits (floral buds, flowers and green fruits). Treatments were distributed in a completely randomized blocks experimental design with six replications, in a greenhouse. The experimental unit was a single M1 plant. Statistical differences were found for irradiation doses, growth samplings, and its interaction. Growth dynamics results indicate that all traits showed a linear increase with plant age (R2 = 0.92* to 0.98**), but the effect of the irradiation doses on morphological and reproductive traits was no linear. Irradiation reduced plant height by 79%. M1 plants developed from irradiated seeds at doses of 125, 175 and 200 Gy showed greater stem diameter, with more basal stems, floral buds, flowers and green fruits than the control. It is concluded that intermediate irradiation doses had a stimulating effect on vegetative growth and fruiting traits of M1 uchuva plants.
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