Effect of Al on the growth and nutrients uptake of blueberries (Vaccinium spp.)
Al toxicity; lipid peroxidation; root activity; root morphologyAbstract
Aluminum (Al) is the major factor limiting plant growth on acidic soils. Blueberry (Vaccinum spp.) is an acidophilic plant. Highbush blueberry and rabbiteye blueberry are the main commercially cultivated species, while the response of which to Al is still unclear. Therefore, hydroponic experiments were conducted to determine the effect of Al (0 and 100 μmol L−1) on the growth and nutrient uptake of highbush blueberry ‘Brigitta’ and rabbiteye blueberry ‘Brightwell’. The results showed that root biomass, root length per fresh weight, root activity and foliar nitrogen (N) concentration of ‘Brigitta’ were significantly decreased by Al, while root lipid peroxidation was increased by Al. In contrast, the biomass and root activity of ‘Brightwell’ were not affected by Al treatment, root lipid peroxidation was significantly decreased, root length and surface area per fresh weight were increased compared with the control, which was benefic for nutrients absorption. In fact, foliar N concentration of ‘Brightwell’ was increased in Al treatments. However, fewer Al was accumulated in leaves of ‘Brightwell’ compared to ‘Brigitta’. Therefore, it could be concluded that growth and nutrients uptake of ‘Brightwell’ was not negative affected by Al, which meant ‘Brightwell’ was resistant to Al, compared to ‘Brigitta’.
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