Evaluation of the Phytochemical, Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Anticancer Activity of Prunus domestica Fruit
antibacterial; anticancer activity; antioxidant; DPPH; flavonoid; phenols; plum extractAbstract
Plants have been used long ago through man history of life for their use in food and medicinal drives. In modern life, natural products have been extracted and isolated from several kinds of plants for the development of new drugs. There are numerous interests in natural antioxidants extracted from medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits, which might help to prevent oxidative damage. One of such plants is plum Prunus domestica L., family Rosaceae. Samples from ‘African Rose’, and ‘Santa Rosa’ plum cultivars were collected from local market in Giza governorate, Egypt. The main phytochemicals of plums (fruit flesh and skin) were analyzed. Total polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins, and reducing power were higher in ‘African Rose’ fruit. The ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of two plum cultivars were both high in the antioxidant effect with IC50 13.923 and 18.416 μg/ml of ethanolic extract of ‘African Rose’, and ‘Santa Rosa’ respectively. The IC50 of ‘African Rose’ and ‘Santa Rose’ extract against Caco-2 was 4 and 8.5 μg/ml. GC-MS analysis was carried out, fourteen and twenty one compound were identified in ‘Santa Rosa’ and ‘African Rose’ respectively. The fruits had an antimicrobial action against gram positive and negative bacteria. There was anticancer activity against 3 cell lines: Liver cell line (HepG2), colorectal adenocarcinoma (Caco-2) cell line, and breast cell line (MCF-7).
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