Vegetative Growth and Quality of Blueberry Fruit Cultivated in Chihuahua, Mexico


  • Jessica Iveth CERA-CAMPOS Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, Pascual Orozco Avenue, Campus 1, Santo Niño, CP 31350 Chihuahua (MX)
  • Juan Luis JACOBO-CUELLAR Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, Pascual Orozco Avenue, Campus 1, Santo Niño, CP 31350 Chihuahua (MX)
  • María Janeth RODRIGUEZ-ROQUE Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, Pascual Orozco Avenue, Campus 1, Santo Niño, CP 31350 Chihuahua (MX)
  • Rafael Angel PARRA-QUEZADA Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, Pascual Orozco Avenue, Campus 1, Santo Niño, CP 31350 Chihuahua (MX)
  • Mayra Cristina SOTO-CABALLERO Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, Pascual Orozco Avenue, Campus 1, Santo Niño, CP 31350 Chihuahua (MX)
  • Ramona PÉREZ-LEAL Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, Pascual Orozco Avenue, Campus 1, Santo Niño, CP 31350 Chihuahua (MX)
  • Oscar CRUZ-ALVAREZ Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, Pascual Orozco Avenue, Campus 1, Santo Niño, CP 31350 Chihuahua (MX)



agronomic management; amendments; antioxidant capacity; flowering; total phenols; Vaccinium corymbosum L.


The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the vegetative growth and some physicochemical quality parameters in fruits of different varieties of blueberries grown with amendments applied to the soil. The experimental design was completely randomized according to factorial treatments with nine replications. Length and number of shoots, flower buds number, total soluble solids (TSS), pH, color, total anthocyanins (TA), total phenols (TP) and antioxidant capacity (AC) were evaluated. The application of gypsum, sulphur and compost increased the shoots number in the varieties ‘Bluejay’ and ‘Duke’ with values from 15 and 17.5, respectively. The ‘Duke’ variety was the latest with regard to the flowering stage, evading the problem of frost. Among varieties, ‘Bluejay’ and ‘Blueray’ stood out for presenting fruits with greater acidity and antioxidant capacity (89.1 and 91.5% DPPH inhibition, respectively), however, the TP was higher in ‘Bluejay’ (701.6 mg gallic acid 100 g-1). The use of gypsum, sulphur and compost allows obtaining fruits with high soluble solids content (9.8 °Brix), however, the antioxidant capacity was similar when pine peel was included, with AC values from 91.4 and 88.8% DPPH inhibition, respectively. The amendments such as gypsum, sulphur and compost incorporated into the soil allow an adequate vegetative growth and the obtaining of blueberry fruits with physicochemical quality characteristics acceptable for their commercialization.


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How to Cite

CERA-CAMPOS, J. I., JACOBO-CUELLAR, J. L., RODRIGUEZ-ROQUE, M. J., PARRA-QUEZADA, R. A., SOTO-CABALLERO, M. C., PÉREZ-LEAL, R., & CRUZ-ALVAREZ, O. (2018). Vegetative Growth and Quality of Blueberry Fruit Cultivated in Chihuahua, Mexico. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 47(2), 450–457.



Research Articles
DOI: 10.15835/nbha47111245

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